Loire Valley Chenin Blanc commercialization
The number of Loire Valley Chenin Blanc bottles commercialized every year is evaluated at 60 millions (average between 2013-2014 and 2017-2018 / InterLoire). France is the first consumption marker of 72% of the volumes. A third of the wines are bought in large retailers, the rest at cellar men's shops, wine estate or restaurants. In 2018, about 16 million of bottles cross the border before to be drunk.

Distribution of the Chenin Blanc wines volume harvested in 2018 in the Loire Valley.
Exports have developed through the years with a true impulsion given by the large production of sparkling wines. Germany is the fisrt destination for export with 7.2 million of bottle, mainly Crémant de Loire. United States and United Kingdom are mainly looking for dry or half-dry Chenin Blanc. They are importing respectively 2.8 and 2 million of bottles.

Evolution of the Chenin Blanc Loire Valley wines exports in volumes since 2010.
Sources : Fanny Gautier – Interloire – Economic and studies department responsible – July 2019 – Chenin Blanc International Congress - Angers